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In just 20 years, Spain has gone from being a source of emigration to being the destination of many immigrants. According to the latest INE data (January 2019), [...]


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For the drafting of this section we start from the conviction that the management of diversity and the integration of all people must necessarily be based on the [...]


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In practice, the interventions of intercultural mediators often generate mistrust and misunderstandings among other social professionals, mostly due to the lax definition of the figure, or by wrong [...]


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In the framework of the European Union, the European Commission published in July 2004 the elaboration of a European Code of Conduct for mediators, to unify criteria and [...]


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Theoretically, the Intercultural Mediation shares the same areas with the general mediation, although the need to resort to it is more relevant in those areas in which the [...]


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As a resource, Intercultural Mediation can be of great help to prevent and solve conflicts in multicultural contexts. Their preventive work facilitates communication between culturally different people and [...]


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Based on the practical experience of fellow mediators and the training experience developed in recent years, we can state that the profile of the mediator that best fits [...]


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As a resource and mode of conflict resolution, mediation is used in many areas, and to respond to different needs. In the multicultural context of many European countries, [...]


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The constant and permanent extension of the fields of action of volunteering covers nowadays very different subjects or areas; we will focus in this course on analyzing the [...]


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In the world of volunteering, we can find a myriad of branches, areas, or fields of intervention. Depending on the type of entity and the activity it carries [...]

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