Virtual Inclusive Education is an e-Learning platform specialized in the third sector, intended to help and support both social and educational entities, along with their members and beneficiaries.
We offer you a simple but powerful tool to learn, but also to develop your competences and critical analysis skills through a digital educational process adapted to your needs and characteristics. From specific courses for NGOs and school headmasters (grant applications, entity management, creation of international networks), to social technicians, teachers (language courses, project management, working with beneficiaries, innovative methodologies…), and beneficiaries (learning courses, processes of inclusion, language courses, networking, resources, etc.).
Through an innovative programming, we do not just offer you a way to study through your smartphone, tablet device, or PC wherever and whenever you want, but also a platform that will automatically analyze your current level of knowledge and customize a learning process especially adapted to your needs, structured into various difficulty levels.
VIE: Our courses…
Virtual Inclusive Education is a specialized e-Learning platform for the social sector. Here you will find specific courses and materiales created not only to train beneficiaries, social technicians, social entity boards, teachers, instructors… but for all of them.
Virtual Inclusive Education proposes a holistic point of view of social activeness by providing training tools and materials to help you, from the creation and management of a social entity to achieving the proposed impact on the beneficiary group.
This is why we offer the following courses, structured according to the needs of your entity:
…to train you and your work team

A virtual environment that facilitates the implementation of the methodology “LEARNING BY DOING, LEARNING HELPING”, meaning the collaborative and inclusive learning of adult persons based on digital volunteering; and offering the specific tools that enable a transnational and effective educational experience.
…to improve the training of your entity and your beneficiaries

This course will allow its users to receive a comprehensive training starting from their basic literacy and leading them to develop the digital and technological skills necessary for their access to jobs in the technology sector; all through an educational itinerary based on scientific thinking and critical analysis.