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“Every child deserves a champion, an adult who never gives up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they can become the best [...]


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LAFUENTE, M. A. (2000): Atención temprana a niños con ceguera o deficiencia visual. Madrid: ONCE. Pérez, P. (2015). Programas de estimulación visual en atención temprana: intervención práctica. Integración: [...]


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García-Trevijano, C., Lafuente, A., Leonhardt, M., Oyarzábal, B., y Vecilla, I. (2008). “Construir juntos espacios de esperanza. Orientaciones para el profesional de atención temprana a niños con ceguera [...]


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ACTIVITY 1 - Check what you have learned; reflect on the following statements and try to find out the correct answer/s: 1. Do persons with low vision have [...]


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ACTIVITY 1 - Test what you have learned; reflect on the following statements and find out the answer: 1. What percentage of students with visual impairment are currently [...]


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In the case of the three European countries that collaborate in this course, there are specific curricular designs for attention to diversity, both inside and outside the classroom. [...]


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To meet these objectives, the Programme finances specific projects in each of its work areas, mainly promoting: KEY ACTION 1: MOBILITY OF PERSONS Mobility activities in the field [...]


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The Erasmus Plus Programme has as its main objectives the achievement of: The objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, including the main objective on education. The objectives of [...]


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Erasmus Plus is the EU program to support education, training, youth, and sports in Europe. Its budget of 14,7 billion € has provided more than 4 million Europeans [...]


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Erasmus Plus wants to improve the quality of pre-primary, primary, and secondary education in schools across Europe. It offers pre-primary teachers Mobility for Learning opportunities, with the objective [...]

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