VIE: Educational Inclusion: Initial Test to Detect Hate Speech
In this section you will find a pre-filled survey for your students to fill in anonymously using a mobile, tablet or computer through the new free game-based learning platforms (Kahoot, Socrative, Google Classrooms…).
It seems an easy test, just a game, but according to the answers obtained, this platform will create a high quality report that will define the hate speech level of your classroom. Therefore you will be redirected to some specific resources to fight hate speech within your class.
Kit for Inclusion
What's inside this kit?
You will find a series of documents related to the theme of inclusion.
Kit for Cultural Diversity
What's inside this kit?
You will find a series of documents related to the theme of cultural diversity.
Kit for Gender Equality
What's inside this kit?
You will find a series of documents related to the theme of gender equality.
Kit for Sexual Diversity
What's inside this kit?
You will find a series of documents related to the theme of sexual diversity.
Kit for the Freedom of Speech
What's inside this kit?
You will find a series of documents related to the theme of the freedom of speech.