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The objectives of this course will be compatible with the curriculum of the Initial Education of each partner country, and will foster the development of the key competences [...]


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This course is aimed at adults who, having mastered reading (text comprehension in one of the proposed languages: Spanish, Catalan, English, and Arabic), written expression (expressing in ideas [...]


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Methodology is the way you learn and develop your skills - like using a book or, as in this case, you studying in computer or smartphone; also if [...]


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The contents of the proposed are compatible with the curriculum of the Initial Teachings I and II defined by Order ECD/651/2017 of July 5th. In accordance with the proposed [...]


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The evaluation of this course is part of the educational process of the student and will value both their development and learning outcomes to verify their evolution and [...]


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This course does not have the capacity of official promotion, but it will train its students to access the Initial Teachings I of Adult Education Schools. Students who [...]

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