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administrator2019-10-15T11:35:25+01:00The studies on the needs and resources of the migrant population in destination are not very abundant, perhaps because in the existing ones it is concluded what is [...]
The studies on the needs and resources of the migrant population in destination are not very abundant, perhaps because in the existing ones it is concluded what is [...]
Excerpt from the reference text: Manuel Oliver and Mª Dolores Vargas (1995): “Immigration and Culture: Critical reflections on the social and cultural differences produced by the migratory event”, [...]
“Volunteering is a way to demonstrate organized solidarity, an intervention of the community in solving their problems. Volunteer action expresses the responsibility and involvement of citizens in community [...]
7.3.1. Guide to studying Arabic How to study Arabic What you need before you start Resources for learning Arabic The Arabic alphabet introduction to the alphabet the letters [...]
6.3.1 Guide strategies 6.3.2 Variables that can impact the strategies 6.3.3 Steps in the mediation process 6.3.4 The mediating intervention 6.3.5 The effectiveness of mediation 6.3.6 Tactics and [...]
4.4.1. Theoretical framework: 4.4.2. Which procedures do you have to do to enter Spain? The visa 4.4.3. Living in Spain? Stay, residence, work, and renewal of permits 4.4.4. [...]
The Final Report of these project varies greatly depending on the type of project, but it is essential to bear in mind that the Erasmus Plus Programme specifically [...]
Next we are going to offer you some indications on how to manage this kind of projects. However, the entity REDTREE MAKING PROJECTS COOP. V. has specific materials [...]
INTRODUCTIONThe European Solidarity Corps is an initiative of the European Union created in 2018, with the objective of creating opportunities for people under 30 to work as volunteers [...]
INTRODUCTIONThe virtual course you are studying aims to improve or create the skills, attitudes, and knowledge you will need to carry out your volunteer work in associations and [...]